Fractional Chief Financial Officer

Matching your Financial Capacity 

with your Dreaming Capacity

When you started your company, the only limit was your capacity to DREAM…

But as you have grown, you realize: 

  • Your capacity to dream is held back by your capacity to finance…

  • Your capacity to finance is fuzzy, like a fog covering the path to your dreams…

  • You hate that fog, because it is a knot in your stomach that feeds on your confidence to achieve your dreams…

  • You would gladly trade the knot for peace; but that means digging into your numbers – and you would rather do anything else…

  • So you put your dreams on hold, hoping for change…

Greg Martin

I Help Entrepreneurs Find…

Clarity in their financials. 

Confidence to achieve their dreams.

Peace to deal with business uncertainty.



Financial Clarity

No more guessing about what your financials are saying about your business.

Goal Setting

Meaningful and measurable goals that ensure a healthly  business.


Confidence that your business has the financial resources and capacity to grow.

Financial Risk Management

Clear understanding of your financial risks and how to minimize the impact on your business.

Profit Maximization

Cold Hard CA$H that can be paid back to ownership as a reward for their risk.

Would You Like To Ensure Your Financial Capacity Matches Your Dream Capacity?

If you are ready to:

Take your dreams off hold

Clearly understand your financial position

Replace that knot in your gut with a feeling of peace

Continue to build the business of your dreams

      Matching Your Finance and Dream Capacity Can Be Done In 4 Simple Steps
      1. Schedule an appointment to explore the unknown

      Hit the Let’s Talk Button. We will discuss your dreams, where you are, what is holding you back, and what are you anxious about.

      2. Gain clarity of where you are

      We will marry data with your experience to discover where your financial capacity is holding back your dream capacity.

      3. Develop a decisive plan of action

      We will establish the operational and fiancial steps to success; to include clear and actionable metrics. 

      4. Fulfill your dreams with confidence

      When your financial capacity matches your dream capacity – fulfillment becomes possible.

      Don’t Wait Any Longer!!

      Let’s Match Your Financial Capacity With Your Dream Capacity!